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November 2013

Dear Sir / Madam

The Brelms Trust is becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation

This is for your information only and no action is required.

We are writing to advise you that with effect from 30 November 2013, The Brelms Trust (registered charity number 1122341) will be converting to the new legal structure of a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) formed under the Charities Act 2011.

From that date, a new charity, The Brelms Trust CIO (registered charity number 1153372) will take over all the former work of The Brelms Trust.  

The charity trustees of the CIO are the same people as the trustees of the Trust, but the charity will now have the status of a corporate body, so all grant commitments will be transferred to the CIO.

We are pleased to confirm that a written agreement has been signed between the current Trustees and the CIO under which the CIO will take over all charitable obligations of the Trust at 30 November 2013.

This means that if the Brelms Trust has awarded you a grant with payments scheduled in December 2013 or later, those commitments will of course be honoured by The Brelms Trust CIO – subject to the same terms and conditions as previously advised.

From 1 December 2013, any provisions in your grant conditions referring to The Brelms Trust or its Trustees should be treated as references to The Brelms Trust CIO. Please address any future correspondence to The Brelms Trust CIO.

The launch of our new website in December 2013 will become the central source of information about The Brelms Trust CIO and will include our new on-line application process.

Yours sincerely

Trust Administrator